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Eritrea has a dedicated law on the financing of terrorism, adopted in 2014, which defines terrorism when committed in peacetime and in a situation of armed conflict. Eritrea's 2015 criminal code potentially punishes murder with the death penalty when it is committed for terrorist purposes.

Compliance with International Law:
Last updated: one year ago

The Definition of Terrorism in Domestic Law

Eritrea defines an act of terrorism in its Proclamation 175 (2014) as follows:

An act intended to cause death or serious bodily to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, to commit kidnapping or hostage-taking, cause serious damage to property, cause serious risk to the safety and health of the public, cause damage to the natural resources, environment, historical or cultural heritage, or to endanger, seize or put under control, cause serious interference to or disruption of any public service,

when the purpose of the act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing something.Art. 2, 2014 Proclamation on Terrorist Financing.

Adherence to Global and Regional Terrorism Treaties

Eritrea is not a State Party to any of the main United Nations treaties on terrorism.


Adherence to Global Terrorism Treaties
Treaty Adherence
1973 Convention on Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons State not party
1979 Hostage-Taking Convention State not party
1997 Terrorist Bombings Convention State not party
1999 Terrorist Financing Convention State not party
2005 Nuclear Terrorism Convention State not party


Eritrea is, however, a State Party to the 1999 African Union (OAU) treaty on terrorism.


Adherence to Regional Terrorism Treaties
Treaty Adherence
1999 Algiers Convention State Party
2004 Protocol to the Algiers Convention Signatory

Laws and Penalties for Terrorist Offences

Specific penalties for two criminal offences are increased when they are perpetrated for a terrorist motive. The case of "aggravated" murder has been referred to above, which can attract the death penalty.Art. 276(1)(d), Criminal Code of Eritrea.Kidnapping for terrorist purposes is punishable with a term of imprisonment of not less than seven years and not more than ten years.Art. 290(1)(g), Criminal Code of Eritrea.

Terrorist financing is punishable under the 2014 Proclamation by a term of imprisonment for between five to ten years.Art. 32(1), 2014 Proclamation on Terrorist Financing.

Counterterrorism Capacities and Policies at Domestic Level

Eritrea's police force does not have a dedicated counterterrorism unit. Its army also has a potential role in suppressing terrorism.


Eritrean Proclamation 175 (2014)

Criminal Code of Eritrea (unofficial English translation)