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Slovenia has counterterrorism provisons in its Criminal Code. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights.

Compliance with International Law:
Last updated: 2 years ago

The Definition of Terrorism in Domestic Law

The Criminal Code defines a terrorist act as follows:

Whoever with the intention to destroy or severely jeopardise the constitutional, social, or political foundations of the Republic of Slovenia or another country or international organisation, to arouse fright among the population or to force the Government of the Republic of Slovenia or another country or international organisation to perform or stop performing something, performs or threatens to perform one or more of the following actions:

- assault on life or body or human rights and freedoms,

- taking hostages,

- considerable destruction of state or public buildings or representations of foreign states, transport system, infrastructure, information system, secured platforms in the continental shelf, public place or private property,

- hijacking of an aircraft, ship or public transport,

- production, possession, purchase, transport, supply or use of weapons, explosives, nuclear, biological or chemical weapons,

- research and development of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons,

- endangering security by releasing hazardous substances or causing fires, floods or explosions,

- disturbance or termination of supply with water, electrical energy or other basic natural resources, which could endanger human lifeArt. 108(1), Criminal Code of Slovenia.

Adherence to Global and Regional Terrorism Treaties


Slovenia is a State Party to the main United Nations treaties on terrorism.


Adherence to Global Terrorism Treaties
Treaty Adherence
1973 Convention on Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons State Party
1979 Hostage-Taking Convention State Party
1997 Terrorist Bombings Convention State Party
1999 Terrorist Financing Convention State Party
2005 Nuclear Terrorism Convention State Party


Slovenia is also a State Party to all of the regional treaties on terrorism.


Adherence to Regional Terrorism Treaties
Treaty Adherence
1977 European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism State Party
2003 Protocol amending the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism State Party
2005 Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism State Party
2015 Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism State Party

Laws and Penalties for Terrorist Offences

Terrorist offences are generally subject to imprisonment for between three and fifteen years.Art. 108(1), Criminal Code of Slovenia.Should the act involve intentional homicide, the minimum penalty is fifteen years in prison.Art. 108(5), Criminal Code of Slovenia.

Counterterrorism Capacities and Policies at Domestic Level

Slovenia's police has a dedicated counterterrorism unit, the Specialna Enota Policije (SEP).

Strategies are implemented by the National Security Council and the Inter-Ministerial Working Group for Counter-Terrorism.


Criminal Code of Slovenia