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Colombia has broad counterterrorism legislation in force that may capture protests within its ambit. It is one of relatively few countries to criminalize terrorism differently in peacetime and in armed conflict, in accordance with international law.

View Last updated one year ago


Comoros has dedicated provisions on terrorism in its criminal code, most recently revised in 2020. The mandatory death penalty is imposed for terrorist offences, which violates international human rights law. 

View Last updated one year ago


The Republic of Congo is exceptional in that it does not generally proscribe acts of terrorism in its domestic criminal law. The law on the financing of terrorism, which includes a general definition of acts of terrorism, was passed in 2021. It does not apply to lawful acts of war but focuses on the targeting of civilians as proscribed conduct.

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Cook Islands

The Cook Islands has dedicated legislation to suppress terrorism, first adopted in 2004. It has explicit carve-outs for the exercise of fundamental human rights and in a situation of armed conflict. 

View Last updated one year ago

Costa Rica

Costa Rica has detailed terrorism provisions in its Criminal Code but which does not explicitly define terrorism. There is no explicit carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

View Last updated one year ago


Croatia has dedicated legislation on both domestic and international terrorism as well as terrorism against the civilian population in a situation of armed conflict. A new Criminal Code entered into force at the beginning of 2013 with provisions relating to acts of terrorism and terrorist organizations, terrorist financing, as well as public incitement, recruitment, and training for terrorism. There is no explicit carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago


Cuba has dedicated anti-terrorism legislation, which was adopted in 2001. The death penalty remains on the statute book for terrorist offences although capital punishment is not applied in practice. 

View Last updated one year ago


Cyprus has dedicated legislation on terrorism, the Combating Terrorism Act of 2010. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment. There is no explicit carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

View Last updated one year ago


Czechia specifically criminalizes terrorism in its Criminal Code both when it is perpetrated in peacetime and when it is conducted as a method of warfare. There is no explicit exception for the exercise of fundamental human rights in peacetime. 

View Last updated one year ago

Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo has counterterrorism legislation in the Military Criminal Code, which was adopted in 2002. There is also legislation on terrorist financing from 2004 and 2021, which was revised in November 2022.  

View Last updated one year ago


Denmark has detailed terrorism legislation in its Criminal Code. Two new laws entered into force in 2022 further criminalize support to terrorism and also give the Danish Intelligence Police (PET) increased surveillance powers and access to personal data from public authorities, regardless of the existence of a specific suspect and without possibility of judicial review.

View Last updated one year ago


Djibouti has detailed terrorism legislation in its Criminal Code. The maximum penalty for terrorist offences is life imprisonment. 

View Last updated one year ago