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France has detailed terrorism legislation in its Criminal Code that criminalizes acts committed with a view to seriously disturbing public order through intimidation or terror. Predicate offences are broad in scope, including financial crimes and property damage, as well as offences against the person. There is no exception for acts committed in the exercise of fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago


Gabon has dedicated provisions on terrorism in its amended Criminal Code of 2019. The Constitution indirectly incorporates the prohibition in the 1981 African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights allowing national territory to be used for terrorist activities against any other State.

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The Gambia defines and criminalizes terrorism in a dedicated 2002 law. The death penalty can be imposed for an act of terrorism under the law. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

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Georgia proscribes terrorism in its Criminal Code with a maximum of life imprisonment for offences that involve homicide. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

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Germany does not have detailed terrorism legislation. Most offences are dealt with under the ordinary criminal law, although certain offences, such as terrorist financing, have been specifically proscribed in the Criminal Code.

View Last updated one year ago


Ghana has detailed terrorism legislation from 2008. Its compatability with the country's international human rights law obligations has been questioned, although there is a limited carve-out for the exercise of certain fundamental rights. There is also a provision on terrorism in a situation of armed conflict that is relatively narrow in scope, requiring a specific intent on the part of the perpetrator.

View Last updated one year ago


Greece has detailed provisions on terrorism in its Criminal Code. A new Code entered into force in 2019.

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Grenada has dedicated counterterrorism legislation from 2012 in which terrorism is relatively narrowly defined. There is, however, no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

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Guatemala has specific provisions on terrorism in its Criminal Code as well as a 2005 law dedicated to tackling the financing of terrorism. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago


Guinea-Conakry defines and prohibits terrorism in its Criminal Code. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights in a broad definition of what constitutes an act of terrorism. At the time of writing, a military junta was still ruling the country.

View Last updated one year ago


Guinea-Bissau is one of the few States that does not explicitly define an act of terrorism in its domestic criminal law, but in a dedicated law on terrorism financing of 2018. Its Criminal Code does define and prohibit a terrorist group, criminalizing actions in relation to any such group.

View Last updated one year ago


Guyana has dedicated counterterrorism legislation from 2015, which supplements legislation on the financing of terrorism from 2009. In the definition of terrorist act, there is a specific carve-out for the exercise of certain fundamental rights.

View Last updated one year ago