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Qatar has dedicated counterterrorism provisions in its criminal law, including a new law adopted in 2019. The death penalty may be imposed for many terrorism offences. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

View Last updated one year ago


Romania has a dedicated counterterrorism law from 2004. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago


Russia has detailed counterterrorism provisions in its domestic law, in particular in its Criminal Code. The maximum sentence is the death penalty, imposable for specific terrorist offences perpetrated against public figures. As of writing, Russian forces were perpetrating manifold acts of terror in its war in Ukraine, seemingly with full impunity.

View Last updated one year ago


Rwanda adopted specific legislation on countering terrorism in 2008, but the government has employed the law also to target political opponents of the regime. 

View Last updated one year ago

Saint Kitts and Nevis

St Kitts and Nevis has a dedicated antiterrorism law from 2002. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

View Last updated one year ago

Saint Lucia

St Lucia has a specific counterterrorism law, adopted in 2015 and amended in 2019. There is a specific carve-out for the exercise of certain fundamental rights.

View Last updated one year ago


Samoa has a dedicated counterterrorism law, adopted in 2014. There are specific carve-outs for the exercise of certain fundamental human rights and for acts in armed conflict that comply with international humanitarian law. 

View Last updated one year ago

San Marino

San Marino adopted a law to establish a series of counterterrorism bodies in 2019 and amended its criminal code to incorporate new terrorist offences in 2020. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago

Sao Tomé and Principe

São Tomé and Príncipe has dedicated counterterrorism provisions in its Criminal Code. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has detailed counterterrorism provisions in its national law. The offences, which are very broadly defined, carry the death penalty. The laws on terrorism have been used to execute political opponents of the regime.

View Last updated one year ago


Senegal addresses terrorism in its Criminal Code. Senegal's Parliament adopted two dedicated counterterrorism laws in 2021, one amending the Criminal Code to cover the financing of terrorism and the other amending the Code of Criminal Procedure. These have been critized for their likely impact on the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

View Last updated one year ago


Serbia has dedicated terrorism provisions in its Criminal Code, including the specific offence of terrorizing civilians in armed conflict as a war crime. Serbia's 2020 law on terrorist financing has been used to target non-governmental organizations. 

View Last updated one year ago