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The Seychelles has dedicated counterterrorism legislation from 2004 in place. There is a carve-out in the law for the exercise of certain fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone does not have a dedicated counterterrorism law although terrorist financing was prohibited by a 2011 law as amended in 2012 and then again in 2019. There is a limited carve-out for the exercise of certain fundamental rights. 

View Last updated one year ago


Singapore has longstanding legislation on terrorism dating back to 1960 which defines a terrorist in very broad terms. A terrorist act was defined in 2002 legislation on terrorist financing. There is no carve-out in either law for the exercise of fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago


Slovakia has dedicated counterterrorism provisions in its criminal law. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. Terrorising civilians in armed conflict is a specific war crime under the Criminal Code.

View Last updated one year ago


Slovenia has counterterrorism provisons in its Criminal Code. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights.

View Last updated one year ago

Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands has dedicated counterterrorism provisions in its national criminal law. There is a carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights and for acts in armed conflict that comply with international humanitarian law.

View Last updated one year ago


Somalia does not have detailed counterterrorism provisions in its national law. The death penalty is imposable for certain criminal offences, including those committed by members of al-Shabaab who are judged by military courts. A revised Criminal Code was expected to be concluded in 2023.

View Last updated one year ago

South Africa

South Africa has detailed antiterrorism legislation, which was significantly revised and broadened in 2022. There is a limited carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights but not for lawful acts under international humanitarian law committed in an armed conflict.

View Last updated one year ago

South Korea

South Korea has a dedicated counterterrorism law, adopted amid controversy in 2016 and amended two years later. The maximum sentence is the death penalty.

View Last updated one year ago

South Sudan

South Sudan does not have a dedicated counterterrorism law although terrorist financing is prohibited by a 2016 law and terrorism is addressed in the Criminal Code. The maximum sentence is the death penalty. 

View Last updated one year ago


Spain has detailed counterterrorism provisions in its Criminal Code. The breadth of the definition of glorifying terrorism in the criminal law has been widely critized for infringing on the right to freedom of speech. The Constitution stipulates that terrorism shall not be regarded as a political offence.

View Last updated one year ago

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has detailed and longstanding counterterrorism provisions in its domestic criminal law that are very broad in scope. The law has been used to target peaceful protesters as recently as 2022. There has been a moratorium on executions in Sri Lanka since 1976.

View Last updated one year ago