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Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago has a dedicated counterterrorism law from 2005. There is a carve-out for the exercise of certain fundamental human rights and for acts in armed conflict that comply with international humanitarian law. The maximum sentence for terrorist offences is the death penalty.

View Last updated one year ago


Tunisia has detailed counterterrorism provisions in a dedicated law adopted in 2015 and amended in 2019. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. The death penalty can be imposed against convicted terrorists, although the sentence is not executed.

View Last updated one year ago


Turkey has very broad terrorism provisions that encompass political opposition to the regime and those engaged in promoting fundamental human rights. There are offences labelled as terrorist and also offences termed against the State or against the Constitutional order. Certain offences may only be committed within the scope of activities of a terrorist organization. At least three individuals working in concert are needed for a terrorist organization to exist.

View Last updated one year ago


Turkmenistan has dedicated counterterrorism provisions in its criminal law and in a specific 2003 law. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. 

View Last updated one year ago


Tuvalu has a dedicated counterterrorism law from 2009. There is a carve-out for the exercise of certain fundamental human rights and for acts in armed conflict that comply with international humanitarian law.

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Uganda has dedicated counterterrorism legislation from 2002 that carries the mandatory death penalty for terrorist offences that result in death.

View Last updated one year ago


Ukraine has counterterrorism provisions in its Criminal Code. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights. At the time of writing, Ukraine was continuing to face Russian aggression, which included manifold acts of terror by Russian forces in the conduct of the war.

View Last updated one year ago

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has dedicated counterterrorism legislation. The maximum sentence is the death penalty. There is no carve-out in the definition of terrorism for the exercise of fundamental human rights. Indeed, the law has been critized for its impact on freedom of speech.

View Last updated one year ago

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has dedicated terrorism legislation the centrepiece of which is the 2000 Terrorism Act. The United Kingdom has very broad and far-reaching terrorist offences in its domestic criminal law. These include the crime of viewing of violent extremist content online, which carries a maximum sentence of ten years' imprisonment upon conviction.

View Last updated one year ago

United States

The United States of America has a highly elaborate series of counterterrorism provisions in its domestic federal law. The death penalty is the maximum sentence for the commission of terrorist offences. At the time of writing, many of the planners of the 9/11 attacks held at the dedicated military facility in Guantanamo Bay had not yet been tried. the charges against certain defendants included terrorism as a war crime. 

View Last updated one year ago


Uruguay has a dedicated counterterrorism law adopted in 2019. There is no carve-out for the exercise of fundamental human rights but their protection is specifically referred to in the law. The terrorization of civilians in an armed conflict is specifically included in the definition of terrorism.

View Last updated one year ago


Uzbekistan has dedicated counterterrorism legislation in place. There are different definitions in a 2000 law and the Criminal Code.

View Last updated one year ago